Frequently Asked questions

Viewing and Booking Places

Do you Offer funded places?

Of course! We know it's not always easy to cover the costs of childcare, so we offer a variety of funding options, including 30 hours funded childcare. For more information see Help with Childcare Costs. If you're not sure whether you qualify, visit: to find out the right funding option for you.

Do you offer taster sessions?

Yes, we do. If you're interested in bringing your child to visit Egerton Nursery and Out of School Club either complete an Online Enquiry Form or give us a call on 01204 305665.

Do I need to make an appointment to visit Egerton Nursery and Out of School Club?

We operate an ‘open door’ policy, so you are welcome to come and see the nursery and meet the team at any time that is convenient to you. It is probably better if you avoid lunchtime (12.00am to 2.00pm) and instead visit when we can show you types of activities that we offer. For more information give us a call on 01204 305665.

How do I book a place in Nursery or Out of School Club?

You can call us or complete an Online Booking Form to let us know which sessions you require? We will then ask you to complete and sign our nursery contract, agreeing to the terms and conditions, which the nursery manager will discuss with you.


How do I settle my child in at Nursery?

The nursery manager will contact you shortly before your child’s start date to arrange settling in sessions with you. During the first settling in session, you will remain in the room with your child, meet the room team and complete paperwork to help the team get to know your child. During the second settling in session, you will remain in the room with your child for about half of the session, and then spend time with the nursery manager to finalise the paperwork and to give you another opportunity to ask further questions that you may have. During the third settling in session, we would request that you drop your child at the nursery and then leave for two hours. Based on how well your child manages the third settling in session, we may arrange further sessions with you.

can my child attend if on antibiotics?

Yes you can, as long as they have been on the antibiotics for at least 24 hours and are well enough to attend. If we consider that they are not well enough to attend, then you will get a call and ask for them to be picked up.

Click here to check our medication policy.

Click here to read the Public Health Agency guidance on infection control in childcare settings.

What should my child wear to nursery?

Not their best clothes! We love doing interesting and messy activities so please send them in their old clothes.

What happens if I am unable to collect my child from nursery?

When you complete the initial paperwork, you will be asked to provide details and photos of two emergency contacts, who are allowed to collect your child on your behalf. You must notify the nursery in advance if one of your emergency contacts will be collecting your child on a particular day. The emergency contact will need to bring photo ID with them.

Does the Egerton Nursery and Out of School Club provide meals ?

  • Menus include at least 3 servings of fresh fruit and vegetables per day.

  • Fresh drinking water is always available and accessible.

  • We can provide breakfast, morning snack, dinner, afternoon snack and

  • Breakfast and a high tea for Out of School Club children.

Does Nursery cater for children with allergies?

Before your child starts at the nursery, you will be required to complete an allergy questionnaire. This enables us to formulate a plan as to how to best cater for your child. If your child has an AAI (adrenaline auto-injector), we will require one to be held at the nursery at all times.

  • We are a Nut free setting.

  • We are part of the Healthy Schools programme.

Do you cater for families with food preferences?

We will always cater for any food preferences (e.g. vegetarianism, no beef, no pork, etc.), whilst ensuring that your child has a healthy and balanced diet.


Is Nursery open all year?

Yes, we only close on bank holidays and for two weeks during Christmas and new year.

Do you offer funded childcare places?

There are a number of options available to you, which can be used to fund part of your childcare costs, depending on your personal circumstances and/or your child’s age. For more information see Help with Childcare Costs

Free Early Education: All children are entitled to up to 15 hours of free early education per week during term time from the beginning of the term after their third birthday until they either go into a reception class or reach compulsory school age (the term following their fifth birthday). Some children may also qualify for an additional extended 15 hours, subject to parents’ earnings. To find out if you qualify, go to and select the option for 30 hours childcare.

Tax Free Childcare: Fees may be partly/fully paid using Tax Free Childcare, whereby the government will contribute £2 for every £8 of childcare costs. This enables you to claim up to £2,000 per annum for each of your children. To access Tax Free Childcare, please go to and scroll down to the ‘Tax Free Childcare’ section to ‘Apply Now’.

When and how will I receive my monthly fee invoices?

Fees are billed on a monthly basis and are due by the 1st of each month. Your invoice will be emailed to you each month.

Can I book extra sessions for my child ?

Extra sessions can be booked with the nursery manager. We will always try and accommodate extra session requests, but this will of course depend on how many children are already booked in for the required day. Payment for extra sessions is required in advance.

Can I change my child’s sessions?

Booking pattern changes can be made with the nursery manager. We will always try and accommodate such requests, but this will of course depend on availability. This may impact your monthly fees.

Do you offer Emergency Places?

To book an emergency place please call us on 01024 305665 on weekdays between 7.30am -6.00pm. This will depend on availability and payment for extra sessions is required in advance.

What happens if my child is absent from Nursery / Out of School Club?

In the event of any absence, fees will still be charged as usual for contracted sessions.

How do I pass on a compliment to Nursery or Out of School Club?

We would really like to hear when you or your child are really happy so please tell us all the positives! You can do this by speaking to the Manager, your child’s key worker or we have an online compliments form if you prefer.

How do I raise a concern I might have about Nursery or Out of School Club?

We aim to provide a safe, secure and happy environment for children. We accept that despite our best endeavors, there may be times when you feel things haven’ t gone the way you would like them to. Should you have any concerns regarding the care or any other aspect of the nursery, please in the first instance raise them with the nursery manager ( If you still have concerns, then please complete our or online Complaints Form.