We are a Good provider

Egerton Nursery and Out of School Club received its most recent inspection on 21st January 2020 and was rated as ‘Good' in all four areas of inspection: the Quality of education; Behaviour and attitudes; Personal development; Leadership and management.

The OFSTED inspector was impressed by the ambitious management team which has high expectations for every child.

“Along with the staff, managers monitor children regularly to check their progress and assess what they know. They use this information, along with children's interests, to develop children's learning and teach them new things”

The report also praised the caring and dedicated staff who ensure that every child is nurtured and their individual needs are met.

“Staff work closely with outside agencies and parents to support children with special educational needs and/or disabilities. This helps children to settle very well”

They said that high standards and carefully planned activities at Egerton Nursery and Out of School Club form a firm base for future learning alongside many new experiences.

The management team and staff create a wonderful learning environment. Staff take care to provide areas that will tempt children and stimulate their interest. Children are given many opportunities to write, read and learn new and varied vocabulary. Children are inquisitive and are engaged throughout the day. They enjoy learning and are keen to take part in play”

Egerton Nursery and Out of School Club is so proud of its’ kind, caring and motivated staff team who work hard to ensure that every child receives an exceptional level of care. Parents feel that their children settle quickly and thrive here.

“Caring and dedicated staff ensure that every child is nurtured and their individual needs are met. Staff work closely with outside agencies and parents to support children with special educational needs and/or disabilities. This helps children to settle very well. Children feel safe and secure and develop close bonds with the staff. Staff encourage children to do things for themselves and help them to learn”

“Children's behaviour is calm and relaxed. Children use manners throughout their day. Staff are good role models and they generate an atmosphere of respect and kindness throughout the setting”

Ensuring that the children’s needs are at our core, the dedicated team at Egerton Nursery and Out of School Club welcomes parents, school and other outside agencies to partner with us as part of our extended family.

Staff develop effective and cooperative relationships with parents. Staff work hard to make parents feel welcome, and parents enthuse about the support they have received in difficult situations. Staff provide guidance on behaviour and provide books and resources to enhance children's home learning”

“The management team and staff develop strong partnerships with schools. In particular, they work very closely with the school in which they are based. For example, children mix with older children at lunchtime and share the outside space. This helps children to adjust well as they move into Reception class.”