Our Curriculum

At Egerton Nursery and Out of School Club Bolton, we follow the Government guidance ‘Development Matters’ for the design of our Curriculum.

We provide everything you want your child to experience, learn and be able to do during their time with us at Egerton Nursery. We make informed decisions about what your child needs to learn and what they will be able to do next. We use our professional knowledge to help your child make progress and check that they are secure in all earlier steps of learning.

For effective teaching and learning we will support your child to:

  • Play and explore –investigate and experience things, and ‘have a go’.

  • Actively Learn - children concentrate and keep on trying if they encounter difficulties, and enjoy achievements.

  • Create and think critically –have and develop their own ideas, make links between ideas, and develop strategies for doing things.

Even if some children struggle in their early learning, by using and implementing ‘Development Matters’ we make sure that every child can make progress with the right support. Observation are used to quickly establish whether any child is at risk of falling behind and we closely monitor your child’s progress and make informed decisions if any extra help is needed.

You will also be able to monitor your child’s progress by signing up to Parent Zone, a secure password protected web-based portal which provides a record of your child’s development, interests and achievements throughout their time with us.